Sunday, January 29, 2012

Catching Up...

Oh, well, hello again.

So I know it's been awhile. When I began this blog, my intention was to be a "good blogger" and consistently post every 1-2 weeks, but unfortunately I ran out of steam mid-September. There was a reason for my withdrawal from the blog-o-sphere, but that is a post for another day.

Over the next few weeks, my hope is to get reaquainted with blogging and provide a catch-up on what's been going on professionally, personally, and of course, culinary-ily here in Cambodia.

I was back home in Minnesota a few weeks ago, and had more than a couple inquiries as to where my blogging went. The real clincher was when my Grandma (and inspiration for this blog's name) gave me a giant bag of Skittles for Christmas, after reading about my addiction to the candy here. My Grandma Mae doesn't have internet at home, so my aunt prints out the latest posts and brings them over so my grandparents can read them. It hit me that this is what this blog is all about, being able to be in better touch with my loved ones, and share a bit of my life while I'm far away. So, Grandma, and other readers, thanks for reading, for the encouragement and support, and without further ado: "Soup's on!"

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